jFX Studio is a digitally–based, multi–room recording studio located in Marietta, Georgia. It’s conveniently located with easy access to I–75 and the greater Atlanta area. Our main area of expertise is in music recording. We can handle bands’ and individuals’ projects from start to finish, or assist in the completion of any portion of your project. jFX can also handle voiceover work, music–on–hold, media/format conversions and more.
We will be happy to arrange your music, hire additional musicians and help produce your project. We can also see you through the potential pitfalls inherent in mastering, CD production, Web site production and print production. Please ask us if you need assistance with these things.
jFX Studio also offers clients yummy cookies, muffins or other snacks as a part of their jFX experience. (That should help seal the deal!)
jFX Studio is based around an automated Mackie D8b mixer, has a good collection of mics and other gear, a Mac–based Digital Performer Pro DAW, with a good collection of audio plugins. Joe Nottoli, the head engineer, has years of musical experience (begun in the hard–knocks of 4th grade band class!), playing several different instruments. Bass guitar has chosen him – both fretted, fretless and extended–range. He has played in many rock, pop, jazz and pit bands. His major emphasis is contemporary Christian music in churches. He also has a long track record in creative Web and traditional print design and production.
